Pascal recently had an operation on his lip so isn't very keen to be out and about in case people stare at him. Unfortunately his check up appointment was behind Oxford Street, plus I then needed to go to Zara and Selfridges (as you do), so he couldn't stay inconspicuous like he wanted to!
It was then lunchtime and as he currently finds it hard to eat we couldn't go to Patty & Bun like I wanted and so instead went to Hush which was perfect as he was in need of some peace. We have been here a few times before for drinks - we love the terrace and the upstairs bar - they have a wide range of cocktails - some delicious, some hardcore - but we always have great fun trying!!
This time we sat on the terrace - it was a bit chilly but the heaters were on and the surroundings were so pretty we did not want to go inside. The menu is varied (fish cake, lobster roll, burger, steak, duck confit) and apparently uses the best of English, Italian & French ingredients.
I nearly fell off my chair when Pascal announced he was only going to have Sea Bass with Lemon Thyme Butter - no sides and no booze - had the doctor also operated on his head?! I had been eyeing up the starter of macaroni cheese & crispy bacon followed by the Hush burger (oink oink) but then felt I should follow his example and try and be "good".
So I ended up ordering the Rare Tuna Salad with Soy & Ginger Dressing as a main course....
It was good - the tuna was thinly sliced and tender & the sauce added flavour but it wasn't overpowering. My only complaint was there could have been more lettuce it wasn't a burger!!
Pascal really enjoyed his sea bass - the waiter filleted it and it was very fresh with a touch of lemon.....I think he lost weight eating it!
Everybody else in the restaurant seemed to be eating the burger and it looked soooooooooo good - I had serious food envy. To be honest there was lots on the menu I would have liked so I have said to Pascal we must come back when we are not so angelic!! We finished off with a coffee and then that was that.
It certainly was not cheap but then most places round there are not, especially if you have such a beautiful setting & the service was very efficient.
I will be heading back for both a burger and drinks and the restaurants booths look so fab that I think it would be a great place to go for supper if there were 6 of you. Pascal really loved the fact they even had a cigar tray - I think it is one restaurant where you could settle in for many many hours!!
No. 8 Lancashire Court,
Brook Street,
Tel: 020 7659 1500

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